(Admissions halted for all Master Programs as per HEC guidelines)
Virtual University of Pakistan offers Masters Programs in the area of Computer Science, Information Technology, Commerce, Business Economics and Business Administration. These programs are designed for students to enter highly exciting & challenging fields and rapidly evolving 21st century economy. These programs will provide graduates with a strong technological base that will enable them to capitalize on the increasing career opportunities in the relevant fields. The specialization provides a highly demanded expertise, great mobility & flexibility, and an impressive range of possible career choices that will equip graduates to work at managerial positions in the industry, business or government sectors etc.
Faculty of Arts
M.Sc. Organizational Psychology
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology
Master of Computer Science (MCS)
Master of Information Technology (MIT)
Masters Programs for VU Graduates
Master of Computer Science (MCS) for VU Graduates
Master of Information Technology (MIT) for VU Graduates
Faculty of Management
Master of Accounting & Finance
Master of Business Economics (MB Econ)
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
Note: VU graduates holding 2-year Bachelor degree are allowed only to continue in their respective BS (4-year) study programs
All Masters Programs are two-year full time study programs spread over four semesters. Each semester has at least 18 weeks duration for teaching and examinations etc.
Assessment of Study Progress
The students’ study progress evaluation mechanism is based on continuous assessment throughout the semester by giving assignments, on-line quizzes, Graded Moderated Discussion Boards (GMDBs), mid-term and final term exams. The mid-term and final term exams are conducted at VU’s designated centers and usually count for 80 to 85% of the total marks for a course.
Award of Degree
To be eligible for the award of Master’s Degree, the students are required to qualify the prescribed courses with a Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 out of 4.
Fee Structure
Program specific admission requirements are available on respective programs’ websites.
This is the moment in the life of any aspiring